Insurance Industry's M200 Association Celebrates 30 Years
May 18, 2021

CHICAGO, May 18, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The M200 Association, one of the insurance industry's longest-running and most consequential association of risk management professionals, is celebrating 30 years of engagement and thought leadership with risk issues of significance to global companies and their insurers.
Formed as a self-governing coalition of risk management practitioners drawn from the insurance industry and from large, multinational companies, the association has been meeting twice annually since May 1991 for in-depth professional and educational discussions.
"Much has changed in the last 30 years, and as global and societal risks continue to evolve at an ever-accelerating pace, M200 provides a rare and valuable opportunity for members to come together to reflect on, and delve into, our shared risks and business challenges. The time we are able to spend together to explore and analyze the issues our organizations all face is invaluable to both risk managers and insurers," said Anthony Baldwin, CEO, AIG UK, and current Chairman of M200.
"The kind of interplay of ideas that happens every time the M200 members come together has been enormously valuable to us all," said Loren Nickel, Google's Director of Business Risk and Insurance, and current M200 President. "The risk environment is changing and evolving in directions many risk managers would not have anticipated today, let alone 30 years ago when M200 was formed. This association provides opportunities for global companies to gain access to some of the top decision makers in the insurance and reinsurance industries to share ideas and opinions with great candor and transparency."
Thirty-six of the M200 Association's current 50 invitation-only seats are reserved for risk managers, with 14 allocated to insurance and reinsurance executives. The makeup of the group prioritizes its role as a unique roundtable, allowing representatives from global insurance carriers and multinational corporate customers to speak candidly and confidentially about critical risk management issues of the day. Current membership includes risk managers representing Fortune Global 500 companies across a wide range of industries. Likewise, M200 insurance and reinsurance executive members represent some of the global insurance industry's premier companies.
The M200 Association is distinctive in other ways as well. It unites risk managers and insurance executives, yet at meetings, none of its members is a host, and none a guest. The peer-to-peer mindset is reinforced by the sharing of the costs by all the members. The variety of industries mixed with global insurers and reinsurers confirms that different perspectives come to the forefront. All of this is designed to give M200 members the best possible chance of obtaining insights of a depth and clarity not available elsewhere.
"What is particularly exciting about the M200 Association is the way that it has expanded its portfolio and member engagement in recent times," said Brenda Lombardo, Co-founder of NiKnack Marketing, the M200's Association Management Company. "Over the last three years, M200 launched a new, interactive website, a mobile app and a new meeting/events live app, all created to enhance member engagement. In celebrating its 30th year, M200 is well-positioned to provide members with a platform to explore the risk issues of the 21st century."
The group's enhanced technology capabilities allowed M200 to quickly transition from in-person meetings to virtual programs during the pandemic. Plans call for the group to meet in person again in 2022. To learn more, please follow the M200 Association on LinkedIn.